One of the highlights of my time in Italy was 'finding CAI' : Club Alpine Italy. As usual, it took alot of time trolling to hunt down a group that would take me to the heart of the matter, the people and the wilderness of Italy. Reference on the web to a bookshop, that led me to the photo shop who led me to the Club. Had wonderful commune and connection with the people. The best was this trip over a long weekend. Looking out from the refuge to the drizzle on the day we were going over the Pass, the Italians were umming and ahhing about heading out. I explained that this was piss water and when it is horizontal thats when its raining in NZ. Not to loose face the leaders decided we better go. Worse moment when the rain while not exactly horizontal, was freezing cold and pretty unpleasant! A few stressed sidelong glances at me. Passed a collection of stone buildings on the tops where shepards make cheese for a few months every year, sampled that night for dinner along with a delicious meal of bacon pasta, beef stew and torte. Gotta give it to the Italians, they know how to do things with finesse, best food ever and here we were in the mountains.
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